Emergency Electric Power Restoration & Disaster Response Professionals
Committed To Supporting The Electric Utility Industry In Strengthening Distribution Systems & Local Craft Workforces


Headquarters: Detroit, Michigan
Employees: 200

Corporate History
While providing risk management consulting services to Detroit Edison, KB Stallworth organized Utility Services of America as a family owned business in response to then President John Lobbia’s desire to improve diversity within Detroit Edison’s Supply Chain by extending business opportunities to proven minority vendors in contractual areas where there was a historical absence of their participation. Energy Clearance was created to perform overhead electric distribution line clearance services in 1992.

When service opportunities expanded to include overhead electric distribution line construction, Energy Construction was formed. In 1997, in collaboration with the Archer administration and IBEW Local 17, an apprenticeship program was developed to bring local residents into the trade through contracted service to the City of Detroit’s Public Lighting Department. Many of these participants eventually acquired the opportunity to apply their craft in service to Detroit Edison. As requests for regional emergency response grew, these entities merged under the Energy Group to provide electric utilities, rural electric cooperatives and municipalities throughout the mid-west, and from Northern Michigan to the Gulf Coast with a wide range of electric reliability services. USA has be called upon to provide emergency electricity restoration services during a number of natural disasters including Hurricanes Isidore (2002), Isabel (2003), Ivan (2004), Frances (2004), Katrina (2005), Rita (2005), and Irene (2011).

Overcoming the initial operational hurdles associated with a segregated labor pool, mid-level corporate resistance to minority ownership, and opening local resident and minority access to the electric reliability service skilled trades; USA and the executive leadership of Detroit Edison, DTE Energy and IBEW have forged over nearly 30 years, a mutually beneficial synergistic relationship that is solidly founded on the provision of “competitive and reliable delivery of quality electric distribution line clearance, construction and maintenance service” that has affirmatively changed both the corporate and organized labor culture related to the value of rate base participation in the workforce and diversity in non-traditional service areas; as well as the value of investment and partnerships with rate base headquartered suppliers. In 2012, DTE Energy nominated the company as the Minority Supplier Development Council’s Suppler of the Year.

As part of a family legacy of giving back to the community and creating “Bridges to Opportunities”, with the support of Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan and DTE Energy Vice Chairman Dave Meador, in 2015 Dr. Stallworth led public-private advocacy efforts to advance the return of Career Technical Education in Detroit schools via a $10 Million investment in Randolph Career Technical Education Center. Today this successful effort provides construction trade classes to hundreds of Detroit high school students and adults in a modernized 21st century training facility. In 2017, Mr. Stallworth retired as CEO of Utility Services of American but remains Chairman of the Board. Nicole T. Stallworth is President and CEO

Michigan Utility Customers:                                           Michigan Municipal Customers

DTE Energy 
Consumers Energy 
Great Lakes Energy 
Traverse City Power & Light 
Lansing Board of Water & Light
Detroit Public Lighting Authority

Farmington Hills

Out-of-State Emergency Response Customers:    

National Grid - 
FirstEnergy - 
Consolidated Edison New York - 
Orange & Rockland Utilities - 
Rockland Electric Company - 
Pike County Light & Power - 
Long Island Power Authority - 
Rochester Gas & Electric - 
Fitzburg Gas & Electric - 
Vectren Corporation - 
Northern Indiana Public Service Co - 
CenterPoint Energy - 
Entergy Arkansas - 
Entergy Mississippi - 
East Mississippi Electric Power Asso - 
Entergy Louisiana - 
Entergy Gulf States - 
Jefferson Davis Electrical Cooperative
Tampa Electric - 
Florida Power & Light - 
Alabama Power - 
Dixie Electric Cooperative - 
Southern Pine Electric Cooperative - 
Georgia Power - 

New York, New Hampshire, Massachusetts
Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey,
New York City
New York
New York
New York
New York
New York
New Hampshire

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"Building A Brighter America"
Since 1992

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