Emergency Electric Power Restoration & Disaster Response Professionals
Committed To Supporting The Electric Utility Industry In Strengthening Distribution Systems & Local Craft Workforces

Ready To Establish
"Command Centers"
In Any Disaster Torn Environment

There simply is no way to quantify the true value of experience on a natural disaster site. 

At the Energy Group we know that the fast execution of a coordinated logistical operations plan reduces public anxiety; increases public cooperation, and improves the ability of first responders to coordinate resources where they are needed most.

Our team of disaster response professionals stands ready to provide complete set-up and management of a self sufficient, “24 hours a day” emergency command center capable of handling the complex coordination of the vast array of labor and equipment needed to respond to the worst natural disaster situations. 



"Building A Brighter America"
Since 1992

Copyright © Energy Group USA 2007,  All Rights Reserved